db_facts package


db_facts.base64_jinja_context module

db_facts.base64_jinja_context.pull_base64_jinja_context(db_name, dbcli_config)

Returns a Jinja context that exports the following functions:

  • b64decode(s: str) -> str: Converts a base64ed string to its original contents.

  • b64encode(s: str) -> str: Converts a string to its base64ed form.

Return type

Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]]]

db_facts.env_jinja_context module

db_facts.env_jinja_context.pull_env_jinja_context(db_name, dbcli_config)

Returns a Jinja context that exports the following functions:

  • getenv(key: str, default: Optional[str]=None) -> Optional[str]: Return the value of the environment variable key if it exists, or default if it doesn’t. key, default and the result are str.

  • env(key: str) -> str: Looks up an environment variable value, or raises KeyError if not found.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

Module contents

class db_facts.DBFacts(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: dict

This is a dictionary type which describes the output of the db() method - a dict of various facts about the database in question. All keys are optional except ‘type’, and keys should only be provided if relevant to the database type.

bq_default_dataset_id: str

BigQuery-specific - the dataset to be used if no specific dataset is specified

bq_default_project_id: str

BigQuery-specific - the project to be used if no specific project is specified

bq_service_account_json: str

BigQuery-specific - JSON (serialized to a string) representing the service account credentials to be used.

database: str

Database name - this concepts varys quite a bit from database to database, but is often used to distinguish between completely separate databases that share the same underlying infrastructure (e.g., same port and host, but different database).

host: str

Database hostname

password: str

Database password

port: int

Database port number

protocol: str

Database protocol type (often the same value as ‘type’, but may vary for databases like Redshift which offer protocol compatibilities with e.g. postgres)

type: str

Database type (canonical examples: postgres, vertica, mysql, redshift, bigquery)

user: str

Database username

exception db_facts.UserErrorException

Bases: Exception

Raised upon an error related to the inputs to the db() function.

db_facts.db(db_name, dbcli_config=None)

Get connection info for specified database.


db_name (List[str]) – Alias for the particular database endpoint and account to connect to. [‘a’,’b’,’c’] corresponds to ‘a-b-c’ on the db-facts command-line.


UserErrorException – Raised if db_name cannot be found.

Return type
